Sunday, July 3, 2011

Shut the Front Door Vegan Chocolate Mousse

I've become a little bit of a public library fanatic this summer.  Initially it was all to keep myself entertained cheaply while I'm on a budget, but now I love the library so much I don't know why I'd ever stop using it.  From books to movies to cookbooks to tv series my library has provided me with a lot of time filler this summer.

Last time I was there I happened to pick up Sheryl Crow and her chef's cookbook (I know how ridiculous this sounds - a rock star cookbook?).  Anyways it is Shut the Front Door good.  Tons of healthy ideas - vegan, vegetarian, meaty - and all done by the season.

The first recipe I tried out was for a chocolate mousse made with avocado (hello breast cancer fighting superstar).  This mousse is so chocolate-y I might have to cut back on the cocoa powder a little next time.  It also uses agave nectar which amps up the healthy since it is a low GI sweetener.

Serves 3-4

  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup agave nectar
  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla

Put all ingredients in food processor.

 Blend until smooth and add more agave if not sweet enough.

Refrigerate at least 1 hour before eating.

I think this is perfect with some raspberries on top to help mesh with the extreme chocolate fix you get here.

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